About Us

Have you ever felt that you had something to say but were unsure of how to effectively get the message across to your audience? Or perhaps, you’re the owner at an upstart and looking for ways to effectively share your message to customers?

At SB Media, we offer a variety of media and communication services to help you get your message out to your audience – from writing press releases, consumer education content, preparing for media interviews, to creating a podcast.



Stefanie Bryant

Stefanie Bryant is an award-winning journalist who has worked in television news markets across the country for over 20 years. She started out as reporter and worked her way up to anchor, managing editor and ultimately news director.

She loves the broadcast industry because of her belief that we all have a voice, and she loves giving people the chance to tell their story. Founding SB Media, Stefanie created a space where she could assist people in sharing their vision and their voice through effective communications with their intended audiences.